Vital FIeld

What Lies Beneath Infertility

The connection between infertility and cellular radiation nobody wants to talk about.

We are becoming infertile without understanding why, at a speed that boggles the mind.

Researchers at the University of Geneva (UNIGE), Switzerland, recently concluded a 15-year-long nationwide study on semen quality that showed that only 38 percent of young Swiss men have the minimum sperm cell qualifications to be fertile. The study included 2,523 Swiss men between ages 18 to 22.

The result spells a 50 percent drop in overall male reproductive quality – measured as the decline in sperm concentration levels from 99 million per milliliter (ml) to 47 million per ml – in just a few decades. 

The outcome is particularly surprising for a country like Switzerland, which is ranked as the “best in the world” with a 9.2 score (out of 10.0) for “quality of life” by the 2019 Best Countries report. 

Other infertility studies follow suit, including one 2018 joint study on infertility between Spain and New Jersey fertility clinics that found a six percent reduction in fertility rates in a sample of 120,000 men in less than a decade.

Infertility researchers from both studies point at lifestyle factors such as pollution, stress, alcohol, and cigarettes. The UNIGE researchers expressly point at smoking during pregnancy as a key suspect, although we halved our reproductive capacity during the time we halved our smoking (from 51.9 to 21.6% among men and from 33.9 to 16.5% among women between 1964 and 2011). 

It’s reasonable, therefore, to assume that other factors are at play in regards to the infertility issues. No official study has been able to begin to explain the wide-spread infertility or the dramatic and rapid drop in semen quality. 

One unofficial suspect is the one that few mainstream media outlets and industry experts care to talk about, especially if they follow the drumbeat of a trillion-dollar industry that is about to double its revenue with the promise of ultra-fast connectivity.


Epidemiologist Dr. Devra Davis warned about cellular radiation in her 2010 book, Disconnect – The Truth About Cell Phone Radiation, asking why the safe limits for cellular radiation (SAR) set by the Federal Communication Commission fail to address non-thermal effects of radiation, as if boiling brain cells is the only concern of using microwave devices close to our head.

More than 500 studies have found biological health effects including DNA ruptures from cellular radiation at intensities that do not cause heating effects. 

According to studies by Dr. Martin Pall, Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences from Washington State University, one significant non-thermal factor has to do with so-called voltage-gated calcium channels or VGCCs that reside in cell membranes. 

VGCC switches are crucial to life. VGCCs release calcium ions into cells to control neurotransmitter release and muscle contraction.  Take the heart muscle, for example, a bioelectric beast of a wonder that beats with calcium generated volts. VGCCs can be found in the membranes of muscle cells, glial cells, neurons, and reproductive cells like sperm, drumming the beat of life with charged particles. 

In Dr. Pall’s model, cellular radiation stimulates the VGCC to flood the cell with excess calcium ions, which in turn activates the production of excess free radicals and free nitrogen species, which then leads to double-stranded damage to DNA, the mitochondria and the nucleus. 

Exactly the type of damage that recent infertility studies have shown in reproductive DNA but could not explain.

VGCCs are sensitive biochemical switches that react to EMF even within so-called “safe” SAR limits. 

Dr. Pall links 5G to significantly higher VGCC effects than 3G or 4G due to the higher frequency and pulsation rates. Even if 5G wavelength doesn’t penetrate as deep as 3G and 4G, the VGCC effects go deeper. 

Dr. Pall is currently being discredited for his research, the same way Devra Davis was when she came out with her 2010 book. In July 2019, both Guardian and New York Times article published an article mentioning Dr. Pall as part of a handful of conspiracy buffs who cause widespread 5G paranoia with misleading research.


The main argument that the industry provides for safe 5G is that the beams are unable to penetrate the skin more than a few millimeters while ignoring the research on VGCCs and other non-thermal effects.

The 5G technology data rates are 10-100 times faster than current 4G mobile networks to support new real-time applications such as self-driving cars and advanced virtual reality. 5G beams don’t travel as far as the older generations, which is why most of the current cell towers will have to be complemented with tens of millions of 5G nodes, up to every 100 meters (200-300 feet) of their users, living and working quarters.  

No one has figured the full radiation exposure potential of this dream, yet.

Some of the first feedback on the “side effects” comes from Switzerland, where 5G has so far been installed in 102 different locations. Shortly after the first installations, the Swiss magazine, L’Illustré, reported locals complaining about symptoms that were consistent with reports from other 5G trial areas. Ringing in the ears, earaches, headaches, insomnia, chest pain, fatigue – often appearing the same day Swisscom activated the antennas. 

 “Loud humming, a lot of pain, nausea, no sleep,” wrote Anne Mills, who was diagnosed with radiation poisoning while living in Germany. Mills kept a diary of symptoms that were identical to the ones the Geneva population exhibited. A German doctor said her symptoms were consistent with “microwave disease” that is often associated with military radar personnel and microwave mast staff.  

Mills wrote a book about her experience in her book All EMFd Up: My Journey Through Wireless Radiation Poisoning plus How You Can Protect Yourself.


One challenge with 5G is that the standard safety precautions that work reasonably well with 3G and 4G networks (see TOP 10 Recommendations at the bottom) don’t work as well with 5G, due to the proximity and number of the base stations. If you’re in a city, you’re bound to be in a crossfire of beams that have a significantly higher disruptive potential to health than current networks. 

The past generation 2G to 4G use 1-6 gigahertz of frequency, 5G will use between 24-90 gigahertz. The higher the frequency, the more energy is directed. One recent study shows how 5G fields generate significantly higher power density (PD) and a specific absorption rate (SAR) than 3G and 4G systems.

Two hundred and forty scientists from  42 countries have signed a 5G Appeal that demands a moratorium on 5G expansion until at least proper studies could be done on human organisms. The scientists quoted the danger of neurological impacts, infertility, and cancer.

Today, only Brussels and Geneva have been able to put 5G development on hold. Installations everywhere else proceed at full speed, while industry independent science says that we shouldn’t take it on faith alone.

Maybe we should start listening to what our bodies are telling us, as well. 

Human infertility may yet prove to be a canary in a coal mine for the internet of everything. 

Jan Wellmann



  1. Texting is better than talking — With a text, your phone only needs to ping the cell phone tower for a moment, so when compared to a 15-minute phone conversation, it’s not emitting nearly as much radiation.
  2. Distance is your friend – Keep the phone away from sensitive body parts. Don’t stash it in your bra, pants, or shirt pockets. Pregnant women should keep their phones away from their stomachs. Avoid holding a cell phone directly up to your head. Use a speakerphone.
  3. Keep a distance while waiting for a connection –The most radiation is emitted (up to 3,000 times more) when cell phones are attempting to connect.
  4. Turn off your wireless router at night to minimize exposure to radiation.
  5. Don’t attempt calls on a weak signal – One bar or less means your phone has to work harder to get through to the cell tower and working harder means more radiation. Wait for a strong signal.
  6. Don’t try to guard your phone to reduce radiation. The phone will automatically compensate by boosting the signal to maintain a connection. This applies also to areas where the signal is weak.
  7. Use a landline when you can. Not as cool but much safer.
  8. Eat green vegetables and berries– Veggies and a good night’s sleep in a dark room will enhance the natural repair of DNA that may be damaged by cell phone use.
  9. Ground yourself frequently – with earth, water, and nature, to allow your body to repair free radical damage.
  10. Reduce use – Turn your cell phone off more often. Reserve it for emergencies or important matters. Never walk or hike with your phone with a roaming signal.
  11. Look at the SAR – Buy phones that emit lower electromagnetic frequencies. Samsung, good. Apple iPhone, bad.
  12. Put it to sleep – Turn your phone off at night.
  13. If you use headphones, beware that headphones themselves can act as an antenna and even strengthen the EMF signal that reaches the brain. Keep a straight cord and at least a meter’s distance from the phone when you talk.
  14. Put your phone to flight safe when traveling, to avoid for higher radiation exposure when the cell phone looks for repeater stations.
  15. Replenish your access to natural fields that have a regenerative effect, such as Schumann Resonances, a planetary wave that is shown to work against EMF damage on a cellular level and is scarce in city conditions and rich in nature. That means more forests, mountains, and nature.

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